Medical Treatments

Conditions for mofetta treatment carried out for therapeutic purposes:

Conditions for mofetta treatment carried out for recreational purposes:

Medical services:


Underwater jet massage with muscle relaxants, pain relief, circulation improving effect.

24 €/person/treatment

Carbonic acid bath

Its vasodilation- and circulation enhancing effect is well known.

22 €/person/treatment

Mud packs

The mud packs relieves rheumatic pains and complaints.

18 €/person/treatment

Alum bath

Mainly used to treat gynecological inflammatory diseases, some forms of infertility, ovarian dysfunctions and in the case of endocrine disorders and gives great results in treatment after gynecological surgery.

26 €/person/treatment

Therapeutic gymnastics

Our therapeutic gymnastics service is suitable to relieve spinal and articular pain, complex motion therapy and McKenzie therapy. (Mckenzie therapy is a special method developed primarily for the non-surgical treatment of discus hernias. This method is recommended by doctors when the herniation is in a stage in which improvement may be expected without performing any kind of surgery.)

30 €/person/treatment

Massage therapy

Massage therapy has proven physical and emotional benefits, since it improves circulation, lowers blood pressure, and improves rehabilitation after injury or an operation.

22 €/person/treatment


Improves the blood supply of tissues, relieves pain, has tissue softening, inflammation reducing, muscle relaxant effects, and also promotes epithelial recovery.

12 €/person/treatment

Electromagnetic therapy (vascular therapy)

The most effective physical treatment method for microcirculation.

Improves concentration and performance, facilitates falling asleep in the evenings, contributes to healing processes, as well as provides a good general condition, helps with the transfer of toxic substances and reduces susceptibility to infections.

12 €/person/treatment