This unique phenomenon of nature that is known in the professional terminology as “mofetta” or “dry bath” is a peculiarity of our hotel. (Mofetta = carbon dioxide dry bath, which means that the pool is filled with carbon dioxide, and this is where the patient shall go to, and as a matter of fact the patient shall sit in the carbon dioxide medical gas reaching up to his/her chest.) Attached to volcanic activity, a mofetta is a gas vapour bursting to the surface from the depth of nearly a thousand meters. The word “mofetta” originates from the Latin word “mephitis”, which means “putrescent exhalation” and refers to the gas’ composition and its volcanic origin. The gas contains high levels of carbon dioxide (nearly 90 v/v%) and radon (125 kbq/m3), and in addition it contains oxygen, nitrogen, and methane, as well. Use of dry baths was prevalent from the age of the Roman antiquity, when the therapeutic and recreational effects were reached and exploited by treatments in amphitheatre-like pools.
This unique natural medical gas found in Hungary is a true balneological treasure. For the time being this gas mainly consisting of carbon dioxide can provide cure and ailment for 54 different diseases!
Mofetta use has a complex effect since besides the strong vasodilator effect of the high CO2 concentration the healing and therapeutic effect of the radon being present in fluctuating concentration is also known. In response to the absorbed gas the blood vessels in the skin become dilated, the capillary circulation is intensified, the speed of blood flow is increased, i.e. the circulatory performance is increased and the oxygen supply provided to the organs is also enlivened. Course-like use of mofetta treatment also stimulates the immune system, as well as it significantly improves the general condition of the treated person. It has been proven that the number of hospitalisations is decreased in response to the dry bathing, and 94% of the patients treated were partially or completely relieved from the tormenting pain caused by severe angiostenosis. The majority of patients who received mofetta treatment reported the following positive effects: significant increase of the ability concerning walking distance, decrease of the number of medicines administered, improvement of mood, increase of performance, and decrease of the sensation of leg numbness.
Treatment is carried out under healthcare supervision, in co-operation with the professionals of the State Hospital of Parádfürdő operated next to our hotel. Prior to the first treatment a medical examination is required! The patient’s condition is verified by checking his/her blood pressure before and after each and every treatment session. Entering and leaving the mofetta’s pool should be slow in order to avoid stirring up the gas. Clothing of the patient should be as relaxed-fit as possible, taking off the footwear is recommended. While staying in the pool sudden movements should be avoided. CO2 gas is to be found about four feet above the ground and it is strictly forbidden to bow into it, therefore it is compulsory to use the straps with which one can fasten himself/herself to the back-board. In case someone may get sick while staying in the pool, then the gas will be eliminated in a couple seconds.
While bathing in the gas the occurring warmth-sensation, blushing, sweltering are characteristic phenomena, which can be explained by the effect of the CO2 exerted on the sensory nerves.
Duration of the treatment is 25 minutes, which should be repeated in a course-like manner for at least two weeks.
This unique natural medical gas found in Hungary is a true balneological treasure. For the time being this gas mainly consisting of carbon dioxide can provide cure and ailment for 54 different diseases!
The treatment is performed under professional supervision - blood pressure measurements are carried out before and after each treatment. Characteristic phenomena occurring while taking this gas-bath are warmness sensation, flushing and perspiration.